Having a solid marketing strategy is one of those things that, as a small business owner, you know you need – and you know you need to focus on it – but it can sometimes fall by the wayside.
It can be challenging to see the fruits of a successful marketing strategy, but the fact is, marketing is vital to attracting new customers and clients – and keeping faithful ones around.
So, here are four ways to get the most out of your marketing strategy this year.
Hire an expert
Effective marketing starts with a plan. If you don’t have a marketing strategy, or do not know how to develop one, hiring an expert to create one for you can really boost your business. Most of us aren’t marketing experts, so this is one area where, as an entrepreneur, it’s best to outsource to a professional.
Once you have a marketing strategy, what do you do next? Focus! Everyone wants to be noticed by their target audience so focusing on consistent implementation of the marketing strategy is key for business development. In fact, research has shown that companies who focus on their marketing in a down economy actually grab more market share than companies that don’t. Everyone wants to cut their marketing budget in a tough economy, but research has shown that if you do, you will likely lose valuable market share.
Many of us aren’t marketing experts so it’s hard to know what you are getting out of your marketing plan. Daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly KPI’s are important especially if you outsource. Make sure to ask for deliverables or metrics, so you can track progress. Make time each month to evaluate what you are doing to make sure it’s working.
Know your goals
For every successful marketing strategy, there is a solid goal behind it. So, know what you are asking for. Are you looking for new leads? Do you want to increase sales? It’s important to know that – and let your customers and clients know that. If it isn’t working, then adjust your message – or adjust where you are putting it.
YMT Consultants
At YMT Consultants, we believe in the power of small business. We partner with clients to develop and implement a plan of action so small business owners can grow and achieve their goals. Want to learn more? Contact us today.
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