Accelerate ColumbUS©: Scale-Up & Grow
Would you like to increase your business revenue? Bring on more customers? Pay yourself better? YMT Consultants, Inc. in partnership with the City of Columbus is providing Accelerate ColumbUS©: Scale-Up & Grow training focused on supporting existing business owners who live and work within the City of Columbus.
Important Dates
Interested in applying for the City of Columbus Scale Up & Grow program?
YMT Consultants is accepting applications for a waiting list – with a goal of launching the program late April/early May. This program, funded by the City of Columbus, is free for qualifying small business owners.
We look forward to working with you to grow your business to the next level.
Do You Qualify?
You must live and work in Columbus | |
You must have been in business for at least two years | |
You must meet the City of Columbus’ low-to-moderate income requirements |