One of the best ways to generate ideas is to have a brainstorm session. But, as anyone who has ever been in a brainstorming session knows, they aren’t always the most effective way to create actionable ideas.
So, how can you have a brainstorming session that gets the creative juices flowing AND generates ideas you can actually put into play?
Start with the end in mind so you can keep the session on the right track (and bring it back around if it goes off the rails).
Sometimes, tangents are good and going off the rails can be great – because both can spark fantastic ideas. However, they can both lead to folks repeating themselves or losing sight of the endgame, so if you aren’t staying on task, stop the conversation to refocus and then continue to move forward.
An effective brainstorming session not only produces ideas, but it also assigns actions and sets timelines.
Nothing drives me crazier than to be in a meeting with people throwing out ideas and thoughts and then at the end, someone says that much was accomplished – without anything being finalized, next steps not being solidified and no action items behind the plan.
So, that’s why having a solid plan going in, keeping the conversation on track and then doing a recap after with assigned tasks (with deadlines!) so you can create outcomes out of those great ideas can really move your business forward after a killer brainstorming session. Keep these tips in mind when you are planning or scheduling your next brainstorming session with your team!
YMT Consultants
At YMT Consultants, we believe in the power of small business. We partner with clients to develop and implement a plan of action so small business owners can grow and achieve their goals. Want to learn more? Contact us today.